Munchy bear

daily food, drinks, quotes, photography and more

New Layout. This is the month of September. With Love.

All previous months can be accessed through the menu bar

Thursday 30th Sep's 21

If you read this Daddy bear, Just so you know WE MISS YOU.

Breakfast : Iced Americano with Thai tea charcoal croissant. YUM!

Lunch : Fried Noodles with egg.

Dinner : Crunchy Ebiko roll and Tofu teriyaki with rice (again). (",)

Wednesday 29th Sep'21

If you had a chance to share a message to the world, what would that message be?

Plain croissant with iced Americano for breakfast.

At lunch, I had fried chinese kale with plant based pork on top of white rice. So GOOD!!!

Dinner : Baby bear wanted to have Hawaiian Pizza and Boba tea for dinner so i ordered for her and for myself I had rice with Tufo teriyaki.

Tuesday 28th Sep'21

"When i do good, I feel good. When i do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion -- Abrahim Linclon

Good morning world! I'm starting my day with Plain Croissant and Iced Flat white. Got them as my belated Birthday treat and of course free of charge!!

Have a nice and productive day everyone!

Busy busy and busy day for mommy like me. I just grabbed this nice, healthy and yummy Tofu salad then off to Gym with my baby bear.

Spicy kinda dinner is what i need! I ordered spicy egg yolk salad with white and instant noodles along with fried garlic. Believe or not? That fried garlic is so yummy and i can't move on from that though! haha

Monday 27th Sep'21

The right door is about to open ! Don't worry about the doors that didn't open. What god has for you, is for you!

Breakfast : Local coffee which was Iced milky coffee

Tofu in hot ginger tea.

Lunch : I had egg noodles in pink soup and mini teddy cookie.

Sunday 26th Sep'21

it's going to be hard , but hard does not mean impossible.

Breakfast : American breakfast at my all time fav restaurant. 10/10 LOVE ITTTTTT

Lunch : Tom Yum Soup with mushroom and Iced latte.

Dinner : Grilled mushroom salad ! So healthy ... (".)

Saturday 25th Sep'21

Dear god , please help me today. Give me strength when i am weak , lend me a shoulder when i need to cry, and help me up when i fall.

Breakfast : Dirty coffee.

Lunch : Fried tofu with sweet sauce and Fried rice with black olive.

Snack : Iced americano with pain croissant.

Dinner : Spicy egg yolk salad with white noodles and fried garlic.

Friday 24th Sep'21

dear lord, please give me strentgh to make it through tomorrow with a smile.

Breakfast : Fried Taro with sweet peanut sauce.

Lunch : Pink noodles soup with Tofu.

Dinner : Spicy egg yolk salad , noodles , fried garlic and Panini with ham and cheese.

Thursday 23rd Sep'21

all we have is now.

Breakfast : Sweet potato dessert with sesame balls in hot ginger tea.

Lunch : Pink noodles soup ... So pink and so yum!

Dinner : Egg noodles with peanut.

Wednesday 22nd Sep'21

The past you cannot forget or undo. The future is all we can look forward to. -- Nicolette J Proffitt.

Breakfast : Kanom jeen with pineapple and coconut dressing along with mushroom soup.

Good start for today!

Lunch : Papaya salad and fried noodles with chinese sausage.

Dinner : Iced espresso with Taro spring rolls . SO GOOD!

Tuesday 21st Sep'21

there's no love without forgiveness and there's no forgiveness without love. --

Bryant H. McGill

Summary of what i had today :

Iced espresso , Khao kuk krapi with boiled egg salad , Boiled egg salad (lunch) and Crispy papaya salad (dinner).

YEp! Busy day at my mom's \\(>_<)//

Monday 20th Sep'21

Forgiveness is not always easy.

At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered,

to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet , there's no peace without forgiveness.

Today is a very busy and hectic day . I didn't have much time to eat .

So there you go ! Breakfast , Lunch and Dinner : Iced americano with pain croissant and hot ginger tea with Tofu. Love it!

Sunday 19th Sep'21:

Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait what you deserve.

i woke up late and kinda not in the mood for breakfast i hit dessert instead , this late morning i had Chwee Kueh which is chinese steamed rice cake with sweet radish.

Lunch : Khao kuk krapi and iced americano

Iced espresso to go by my mom .. So good!

i skipped dinner again ... busy day

Saturday 18th Sep'21 :

waiting is a sign of true love and patience. anyone can say i love you ,but not everyone can wait and prove it's true.

Breakast : KanomJeen thai styled noodles with pineapple , shrimp and coconut.

Lunch : Hainan chicken rice with iced americano.

Dinner : i skipped dinner cuz i was so stuffed so i just ordered hot ginger tea with tofu. So Good!

Friday , 17th Sep'21:

"The first to apologize is the bravest

The first to forgive is the strongest

The first to forget is the happiest" --unknown

Busy morning trying to arrange stuffs in the house so we kinda skipped breakfast and hit lunch instead

Lunch : Mini Taco for baby bear and fried shrimp balls.

Snack : Fried sausage , thai styled corndog and mini cookies

Thursday , 16th Sep'21:

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you" --Lewis B Smedes

Breakfast : Chocolate croissant , chicken bologna salami cheese and iced cappuccino.

Busy travelling day , we didn't have a proper lunch. Our baby bear just had a lil toast and i had iced Espresso at the airport . That's all !

Dinner : We ordered fried noodles with load of ebiko and shrimp.. yum yum yum

Wednesday , 15th Sep'21:

Dear husband ,

I miss you.

Breakfast : Pandan Croissant , Iced flat white and pork congee.

Lunch : Fried Pork with holy basil.

Dessert : Coconut cake with hot americano.

Dinner : Padthai , spaghetti carbonara and baked mussels with garlic and butter .

Dessert : Iced cream

Tuesday , 14th Sep'21 :

Dear husband ,

How many day left til we see each other? Do you still count down ?

Love ,


Breakfast : Custard bun , Pork bun , chicken Bologna , pork bologna , cheese and Iced cappuccino.

Lunch : Khoa kuk krapi Fried rice with shrimp paste and sweet pork . So good!!!!

Snack time : Jumbo sausage roll with iced flat white , fried fish ball and Chinese fried dough . Fatty me !

Dinner : Mango salad , Smore ice cream and Root beer float .

Monday , 13th Sep'21 :

"Loved you yesterday. Love you still. Always have. Always will." –Unknown

Breakfast : Cereal , Croissant and Iced americano

Lunch : Bagel cream cheese with crispy bacon after that i went to the beach and got a young coconut water. What a refreshing!

Dinner : We had a lil party in our hotel room haha me and baby bear ordered grilled fish ball , pork ball , crab stick , grilled pork with sticky rice.

Dessert : Red velvet cake. Yummmmm

Sunday , 12th Sep'21 :

“If your man were the faithful type you wouldn't have to worry about other women. Realize that it's his job to be faithful to you.” –Sonya Parker

Breakfast : Red velvet croissant with iced americano for breakfast while my baby bear had milk and omelet with bacon (i forgot to snap a shot).

Late lunch at Hern our favorite restaurant during this vacay. We ordered Chicken burger and fried chicken with cashew nut with rice.

Dessert : Coffee on the beach again. we also had chocolate cake and sweet potato tart.

Dinner : Fried rice and fried shrimp with that green bean thingy I don't know how to call it . So yummy and i finished it in a flash!

Saturday , 11th Sep'21 :

Note to husband !

You know that you love me so much.

Breakfast : Omelet , Bacon , Ham , sausage , spicy sausage salad , croissant and Iced americano . YUMMMMM

Lunch : Coffee on the beach then we headed to lunch. We ordered Lobster soup and Sushi burrito.

Dessert : Coconut and Pandan cake with Choc chip cookie.

Dinner : Dirty coffee with Grilled cheese sandwich.

Good night everyone >_<

Friday , 10th Sep'21:





it's fri-yay and above is our breakfast. I hope this week stays cool with nice weather so we can hit the beach and learn how to surf.

Lunch : fried pork with garlic and omelet.

Dinner : Grilled Lobster , Mango salad and Crab spring roll.

Dessert : Fried Ice cream which our baby bear loves it so much.

We are so stuffed\\ (@_@)//

Thursday , 9th Sep'21:

when life get too complicated will you stand with me after dark? i will stay in the lime light like a beautiful after thought.

Breakfast : Croissant , omelet and of course Iced Americano not Americana (If you train BJJ you will know what does Americana mean :P lol

Lunch : Egg and ham muffin kinda thing and this lovely bread with ham and bacon inside.

Bon appetit!

Lunch no.2 : Who said we can have one lunch? lol A'right i was hungry and craved for this Lobster soup again ... C'est bon!

Dinner : Grilled sour sausage and Korean style Corndog .

Dessert : Crape

Wednesday , 8th Sep'21 :

My mother once said to me "Love always stays , it's the lover that leaves"

Breakfast : Noodles soup along with iced americano cause i can ! haha

Before lunch : Coffee at Starbucks before heading to Spa and after Spa i got tea and macaron

Lunch : Salmon sushi wrap , Chicken salad and Lobster soup . SO GOOD!

Dinner : Glass noodles salad along with dessert with is Opera cake.

Have a good evening everyone!

Tuesday, 7th Sep'21 :

"If you tell me i'm WRONG i don't wanna be RIGHT"

Breakfast : started my day with iced cappuccino , sausage salad and rice soup while baby bear had sticky rice with pork .

Lunch : Margarita Pizza by the pool and after that we went to the beach while baby bear played with her floating i had my fresh young coconut !!! OMG SO GOOD... >_<

Dinner : We had left over pizza from lunch and little bit of salami with cheese.

Can't wait to get breakfast tomorrow ! Fatty is me . Good night everyone!

Monday , 6th Sep'21 :

"Life has its highs and lows. it's ok to feel sad , it's ok to feel unwanted . But just remember that those are just feelings, they are not true." -- Nouran Khazbek

Sunday , 5th Sep'21:

human rights for everybody , there's no difference. Live on! and be yourself. -- macklemore

Breakfast : Custard bun for me and omelet with bacon for my lil baby bear.

Lunch : We ordered shrimp fried rice and young coconut water . So refreshing

After lunch i had durian (my fav fruit). Do you like Durian? If you do , we can be Durian buddy lol i also had Gelato hehehe what a fatty ! Yup no shame cause i'm on vacay !

Dinner : Sticky rice with grilled pork.

Drink : Blue Soda

Fruit : Young tamarind ( super sour ) and i like it!

Good night everyone Zzzzzz

Saturday , 4th Sep'21:

A world so hateful some would rather die to be who they are. --Macklemore

Breakfast : Omelet with ham , Noodles soup'

Lunch : Out and about ... we had grilled cheese sandwich , Copenhagen hotdog and fries.

Dinner : Dinner was lit!!! The best dinner ever!!! We visited my friend's restaurant and of course we spoiled ourselves with these lovely food which are ;

Foie gras wrap , Pomelo salad with scallops , Salmon steak , Doversole and Coconut tiramisu.

Best Best Best !!!!! thumbs up ^_^

Friday , 3rd Sep'21 :

Be patient everything comes to you in the right moment.

Breakfast : Still jetlagged , we had breakfast at the hotel so here it is . A lil bit of this and that.

Snack : Banana pancake with nutella and fried sausages. I bought them outside the hotel along the street . so yummy !

Dinner : Look at this pile of sausages , pork balls and grilled pork! My fav food here <3

Thursday , 2nd Sep'21 :

"When you love someone , you open up your heart " -- unknown

Breakfast : in the sky lol I didn't finish the whole thing though . i was way exhausted than hungry.

Lunch : First meal here noodles salad with seafood , fish and chips for my baby bear along with green apple soda and iced latte.

Dinner : Grilled chicken , grilled chicken liver and sticy rice ! To die for!!!! so gooDDDDD

Wednesday , 1st Sep'21 :

Hello September !!

Maybe healing is just a matter of distance,

between me and your smile ,

between the deer and the bullet .

--Blake Auden

Starting my day with Hot Latte!

i wish all of y'all have a great one !!

Dear my husband ,

if you're reading this now . Remember that i love you so much <3 <3

Hop on the plane to somewhere in the far east ..quick review of some food that we had before we hop on the plane which was tamarind chicken with rice and sunny side egg . Beside that those are some food we had on board and at the lounge . See ya later alligator!